Sustainability is somewhat of a buzz-word nowadays but definitely one of our generation's biggest concerns. When I think about sustainability I can't help but feel that society in general is really trying to make some changes for the better. Yes, we can still argue most of these changes might be because of it being a trend, but still... It's a good trend.

Although I think any small change is better than not doing any change at all, as a designer I can't stop but thinking about the question: will we find sustainable solutions for our way of living without compromising quality and design?

I’ve always been interested in lifestyle, interior design and wellness. Slowly I'm trying to introduce more of these interests in my work. I decided my next passion project would be a series of prints about sustainable objects.

‘Brushing Sustainably’ is the first print, aiming to motivate, inspire and show people how beautiful sustainable brushes can be, by illustrating some of their variety, shapes, and textures. To challenge myself and to innovate I decided to use Augmented Reality (AR), one of the most exciting and innovative ways of creative expression. I was so happy and honoured when the Association of Illustrators (The AOI) told me they wanted to showcase my piece at their ‘Inspired to Innovate’ exhibition at Hoxton Arches, London. The goal was to explore what it means to be innovative in the context of illustration, asking: how can this versatile medium be stretched to its creative limits?

Demonstrating the breath of exciting new processes being used today, the exhibition included prints, animations, three-dimensional work, lettering, paper-engineering and more. Many of the illustrators featured in the exhibition showed work that is a call to inspire those in other industries to innovate environmentally and technologically.




© The Association of Illustrators, 2019. Photography by Cristina Schek.